
This section explains the installation process. Follow the instructions step-by-step.

◾ Install rlib

  • Go to and download the latest version of rlib.

  • Extract the downloaded zip to your computer

  • Create a new folder on your gmod server called rlib

    • Example: garrysmod/addons/rlib/

  • Upload the extracted rlib zip files to the newly created folder.

    • Ensure you are uploading the files to match the following file structure:

📁 garrysmod 📁 addons 📁 rlib 📁 lua 📁 materials 📁 resource

  • Restart the server

  • As the server restarts, view the console for errors.

    • If you see errors, contact the developer with a list of them.

    • If you do not see errors, proceed forward

  • Connect to your gmod server and spawn in.

  • Make sure you have superadmin access on the server. If you are using an admin mod; do one of the following sub-points below:

    • ULX: In server console; type ulx adduser yourname superadmin

    • SAM: In server console; type sam giverank yourname superadmin

    • SGUARD: In server console; type serverguard_setrank yourname superadmin

  • Once you have superadmin; type ?setup in chat.

  • You have completed the setup. Proceed to the Install Addon section.

◾ Install addon

  • Go to and download a fresh copy of your purchased script.

  • Extract the download zip to your computer

  • Create a new folder on your gmod server called the name of the addon

    • Make sure the folder name contains NO SPACES, NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS, and NO CAPS

    • Example: garrysmod/addons/nyx

  • Upload the extracted addon files to the newly created folder

    • Ensure you are uploading the files to match the following file structure:

📁 garrysmod 📁 addons 📁 nyx 📁 lua 📁 materials 📁 resource

  • Restart the server

  • As the server restarts, view the console for errors.

  • Try to activate your addon.

    • View Binds page for list of methods available for this script.

  • If you see the script actively working, then you are finished with the setup.

◾ What's Next?

Want to subscribe to this addon's steam workshop collection? Visit the Workshop page.

Last updated