New Gamemodes

Setting up a new gamemode if yours is undetected.

◾ Adding A New Gamemode

If you did what was instructed on the Gamemode page and Nyx was unable to detect your gamemode; then you will need to manually tell the script what gamemode you are running.

Open the gamemode loader file located in lua\modules\nyx\cfg\sh_1_gamemodes.lua

You will see a list of gamemodes, with information for each one. Determine what gamemode best explains what you are running. If it is based on darkrp; then you can add your new gamemode under the darkrp listings:


[ 'darkrp' ] =
    name        = 'DarkRP',
    pnl         = 'gm_hud_rp',
    width       = 440,
    height      = 119,

Add your gamemode under the above code:

[ 'your_rp' ] =
    name        = 'My Custom RP',
    pnl         = 'INSERT_ID_HERE',
    width       = 440,
    height      = 119,

In the above code; you must replace INSERT_ID_HERE with one of the following options listed below:

Additional gamemodes will be included in future updates.

◾ Gamemode Name

In the above code, the very first line defines the gamemode name itself:

[ 'darkrp' ] =

To find out the name for your gamemode; boot your server up and it should print as one of the first lines in the console:

Make sure the gamemode is entered exactly how it shows in console in the parenthesis; darkrp (or the name of whatever gamemode you are running).

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